Floral Arts

Iris Patt


+49 (0)163 4587828 




Iris Patt 

Ikebana & Flower Artist



2002 - 2012    Ausbildung an der Shotgetsudoh Koryo School, Kyoto/Japan

            2007    Lehrerdiplom der Shotgetsudoh Koryo School, Kyoto/Japan

2007 - 2013    Mitglied des Lehrerkollegiums der Shotgetsudoh Koryo School

         2012    KAKENSYOKU  花検職 Degree


2003    East Hawaii Cultural Center, Co-Exhibitor, Hilo/USA

2003    Exhibition, Submillimeter Array Dedication, Hilo/USA

2003    Black and White Party, Display, Downtown - Hilo/USA


2004    Wailoa Center, Co-Exhibitor, Hilo/USA

2004    East Hawaii Cultural Center, Co-Exhibitor, Hilo/USA

2004    Ikebana Decoration for a Wedding, Grenoble/F     


2005    Displays, Praxis Event, München/D

2005    Ikebana Decoration for a Wedding, Grenoble/F 

2005    Praxis für Chin. Medizin, Potsdam/D       

2005    Lyman Museum, Co-Exhibitor, Hilo/USA

2005    University of Hawaii, Co-Exhibitor, Hilo/USA

2005    Exhibition, Academica Sinica of Astronomy & Astro-Physics

             Taiwan, Hilo/USA


2006    Lyman Museum, Co-Exhibitor, Hilo/USA

2006    Flower Art Decoration for a Wedding, München/D

2006    Exhibition, Artificial Flower Arrangements, Potsdam/D

2006    IMILOA Astronomy Center of Hawaii, Co-Exhibitor, Hilo/USA

2006    "Duet for Dance and Ikebana", Performance, Co-Artist,  

             IMILOA Astronomy Center of Hawaii, Hilo/USA

2006    Praxis Events, München/D

2006    Display, Praxis für Chin. Medizin, Potsdam/D

2006    Co Exhibitor IPHITOS Tennisclub, München/D


2007    Praxis Events, München/D

2007    Display, Praxis für Physiotherapie, Potsdam/D

2007    "Gartenschönheiten in Vasen", Urania, Co-Exhibitor,


2007    "Duet for Dance and Ikebana", Performance, Co-Artist,

             Tenri Cultural Institut of New York, USA

2007    "Raku auf neuen Wegen", Co-Exhibitor, München/D

2007    Workshops


2008    Deutsches Herzcentrum München, Co-Exhibitor, D

2008    Praxis Events, München/D

2008    Workshops


2009    Kirche Petzow, Kulturkreis Petzow/D

2009    Praxis Events, München/D

2009    Workshops


2010    Praxis Events, München/D

2010    "Flower Art & Balinesicher Maskentanz", Veranstalter & Co-Exhibitor

             Forum 2, München/D

2010    "Kunst von Uns", Co-Exhibitor, Forum 2, München/D

2010    Workshops


2011    Displays, Hochzeitzmesse, München/D

2011    Praxis Events, München/D

2011    Sommerfest Olympiadorf,Co-Exhibitor, Forum 2, München/D

2011    Ikebana, Flower Art & Gaeste, Veranstalter & Co-Exhibitor

             Forum 2, München/D

2011    Verkaufsausstellung in der Goldschmiede Arntz, München/D

2011    Workshops

2012    Displays, Hochzeitzmesse, München/D

2012    Praxis Events, München/D

2012    Vortrag & Showing am Chiemsee/D

2012    Hochzeitsdekoration, Hamburg/D

2012    Verkaufsausstellung in der Goldschmiede Arntz, München/D

2012    "Kunst von Uns", Co-Exhibitor, Forum 2, München/D

2012    Hochzeitsdekoration, München/D

2012    Workshops


2013    Displays, Hochzeitzmesse, München/D

2013    Praxis Events, München/D

2013    Exhibition "Papier, Papier und ein Flügelschlag & Gäste",

             Gast, Forum 2, München/D

2013    "Kunst von Uns", Co-Exhibitor, Forum 2, München/D

2013    Verkaufsausstellung in der Goldschmiede Arntz, München/D

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